Industry Expert

Digitalize your building

Interview Andreas Matthé, CEO of the Business Unit Low Voltage and Products, Division Energy Management, and head of the Siemens booth at Light+Building 2018.

The Future of Cities

Smart and automated by Rohit Talwar, Steve Wells and Alexandra Whittington, Fast Future

The Role of Building Automation in Getting to Smart Buildings

Although building-level automation has been around for more than 40 years, there is renewed interest in automation for residential and commercial sites, especially around smart buildings and a smart grid.

The Business Case for Smart Building Technology

To many property owners and investors, the value of smart building technology remains unclear. The reality is that such technology, while requiring some capital investment, helps reduce facility operating costs over time. By combining building automation systems with a smart building management system, a commercial property owner can monitor hundreds of properties at once and fine-tune building performance to a degree not possible via human capabilities alone.

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